
Archive for October, 2007|Monthly archive page

Chennai at 3:11 pm

In Uncategorized on October 28, 2007 at 21:14

This is what I’m going to be doing at 3:11 pm on November 3rd.


This is not for any great worthy cause, this is not a competition, it may or may not help charity, it will not prevent global warming, you will gain no medals, no certificates but it is most definitely not a waste. – The guys at

Defining a moment in Chennai:

Not good

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2007 at 23:06

I asked Boris Yeltsin to tell me briefly what the situation in Russia was like. “Good,” he said. I asked for a longer version. “Not good,” he replied.

– John Major, former Prime Minister, reminiscing, November 1999

Ode to a Cellphone

In Uncategorized on October 23, 2007 at 18:33

I have been in mourning. Its a sad day for me. A sad day indeed. Recently, I lost part of myself. I lost my Razr.

Actually, lost is not the correct term. I, erm, murdered my phone. I drowned it, to be more exact. It spent 10 minutes in the washing machine. OK OK, enough laughing.

I didn’t actually realize it until someone called me on my landline and told me that my phone “was unavailable”. Immediately, I fished it out, and did what I could. I got out the hairdryer, the towel, I even held it out over the stove. I performed surgery, taking it apart and inspecting various organs. It was like a scene from ER, with my blowing air into my cell, and shouting “I’m not giving up on you!”. But it was to no avail.

In memory of my deceased cell, I will hold a funeral ceremony this weekend. All are welcome. Come pay your respects if you can. It would have appreciated it. 

So long, my Razr. We have had a long and memorable time together. You are in a better place now. May your soul rest in peace.

P.S. I also lost all my contacts, so please IM me your number.

Raj TV Golu Competition

In Uncategorized on October 17, 2007 at 23:04

Our golu (photos here) has been featured of Raj TV, and is part of a competition running this week.

If you like the Golu, or even if you don’t, SMS “GLU 7” to 5600602 to vote for us.



“Driving while black”

In General on October 3, 2007 at 00:09

We have all heard about how driving while drunk will get is into a world of trouble, not least, prison, death, mom’s scoldings, etc.

But how about driving while black?

In the United States today, driving while black—or shoplifting while black, or taking illegal drugs, or hitting schoolmates—often carries the greatest risk of incarceration, in comparison to the risk faced by whites…

